
Skylarking is an exhibition led by Ashey Holmes that took place at Soft Ground in Sheffield. It is inspired by the relationships formed through the sounds and architecture of caves, hills and public spaces. 

It features Akeem Balogun’s short story Landscape Carving.

You can also read the story on Now Then Magazine.

There are also a limited number of vinyl developed by Amrita Dhallu and designed by Rose Nordin. It includes the narration of Landscape Carving, performed by Akeem Balogun, Bel Odawa and Ashley Holmes, and a printed pull out of the piece. It is available on Bandcamp.

Skylarking also features work by:

Joseph June Bond


Seigfried Komidashi  

Mitre & Mondays

Wemmy Ogunyankin

Kitty Turner

Komidashi playing the sax at Speedwell Cavern for Skylarking

Skylarking was supported by Sheffield Museums, Arts Council England, The Elephant Trust, Henry Moore Foundation and the Jerwood Foundation.