Interviews & Articles

Off the Shelf w/ Zaron

Akeem Balogun speaks to Zaron about Words, Vision & Sound

Business Live w/ Jamie Veitch

Jamie Veitch talks to Akeem Balogun about Words, Vision & Sound and creativity

Forge Press w/ Lucy Riddell

An interview with Forge Press about Words, Vision & Sound

The Storm: One Year Party w/ Our Fave Places

The Storm‘s One Year Party is featured on Our Favourite Places. 

SPINE Magazine w/ Vyki Hendi

Nathan Ryder and Arantza Pardo detail the process behind designing the cover for The Storm.

Found Fiction’s Look Closer w/ Steve Clarkson

Steve Clarkson and Akeem Balogun talk about writing, learnings, creative processes, characters and more.

Exposed Magazine w/ Jo Food

An interview about writing and The Storm.

Now Then w/ Sam Gregory

Brett Hackett and Akeem Balogun discuss Okapi Books and The Storm.

The Literary Consultancy w/ TLC Talent

A feature that explores the creation of The Storm, TLC’s involvement in it and the birth of Okapi Books.

Our Favourite Places w/ Annalissa Toccara

An interview on writing and the reasons behind the writing of The Storm.

BBC Radio Sheffield w/ Sile Sibanda

The Storm! This interview also includes a special narration of Soulmate by Rider Shafique and Wodwo.

Write Radio w/ Jane Armstrong

Akeem Balogun’s first ever interview on Sheffield Live’s Write Radio show. The two talk about writing and The Storm.